Interview of Deborah alias @debbie_ _ _8

In today’s blog post, we have the pleasure of introducing Deborah, alias @debbie___8 on Instagram, a talented seamstress who has kindly agreed to share her passion for sewing with us. Her attention to detail and skillful approach make her sewing projects not only beautiful but also unique. So sit back, relax, and join us as we delve into Deborah’s sewing journey!

Deborah’s Presentation

Can you shortly introduce yourself?

My name is Deborah, I am 29. I moved to Dubai 6 months ago for a professional opportunity. I am a retail merchandiser for a French luxury brand. During my evenings and weekends, I sew and knit, I also love discovering this new city.

How long have you been sewing, and how did you first get interested in it?

I have been sewing for 3 years now. I actually bought a sewing machine about 10 years ago, but with a lack of time and motivation I didn’t really sew anything. After my degree, I saw the creations of a former classmate of mine, and it definitely motivated me.

Looking for quality fabrics for your sewing projects? Visit our store La Cotonnerie

different cotton fabrics

What benefits do you get from sewing?

It helps me practice my creativity and my patience. I discovered how proud I can be when I wear something I have created. And obviously from sewing, I get a new and unique wardrobe.

What types of projects do you enjoy sewing the most?

I really love to create runway-inspired looks. It takes more time but it’s so much more fun.

Where do you find your creativity?

Mainly runways, fashion trends, street.

You have done a sewing degree despite already knowing the sewing technique. What were your main takeaways from this course?

It was a personal challenge, and I knew there was no commitment involved. It could be useful to have this degree, we never know 😉 .

Her approach to sewing

How do you approach sewing your wardrobe? What is your philosophy?

I would like to wear only outfits that I have made so my wardrobe is a mix of timeless and fashion pieces. For the timeless pieces, I plan it according to my needs, to be sure to be able to wear it easily and with pleasure. For the fashion pieces, it is usually a “coup de cœur” (crush) according to a desire or an inspiration I can have.

Different garments sewn by Deborah

How do you approach pattern selection and fabric choice when starting a new project? What is your favorite fabric?

When I have a “coup de cœur”, I jump on a pattern, otherwise I love to start with a pattern and make some alterations. For the fabrics, I love structured fabrics like cotton because I love the volume it can give to a creation.

Her 4 Favorite

Favorite fabric: CottonFavorite color: Green
Favorite print: PlainFavorite designer: Belene Paris

Where can we find you online?

On Instagram as debbie___8 .

Don’t hesitate to follow Deborah’s sewing journey on her Instagram. You’ll be amazed by what she makes!